I have created a new blog on the site. Why, you may ask? As I start the Animation Mentor program I am going to be neck deep in the world of animation. Or at least that is what I am planning on. Immersing myself to eat, sleep and breath animation. So this blog is to talk about all things animation.  I plan on posting reviews, sketches, stories, and yes animation samples from class. The more I talk about something, the more I start to understand it. Thus the blog is more for me. However I am pleased to have anyone stop by and read.  All posts about a classes will also be posted into the other new blog. The AM Blog. Since a lot of my class posts will also contain notes it seems better to sort them out on there own pages for easy access.  Once Mr. Babaloo is complete the production blog will go on hiatus. Since I will post sketches in here more than likely the sketchblog will go on hiatus as well.